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We sell a system capable of creating 2.4 kilowatts of energy ready to plug and reduce your electricity bill that costs only $5,958. You can add to this system as many times as you want and make it much larger.

In the current economy a return on your money of 3% is fantastic. With a return on your solar investment a return of 30% to 50% is available with solar systems and this is the reason they are becoming so popular.

SDS Sonoran Desert Solar is the Best System Available.

You can and or SDS can monitor your system on the internet.

Commercial Systems paid for in 2 years. Residential in 3 in Mexico with summer discount.

Rocky Point Puerto Penasco Sonora Mexico

The new Sonoran Desert Solar system is first-class and has the latest technology. It develops the maximum wattage per dollar and pays for itself in 2 years. That means that over the next 18 years of the panel’s guarantee it reduces your light Bill and gives you 10 times the return on investment. Once you have enough wattage to cover 75% of your light Bill with the air-conditioning running it will generate enough electricity to pay your light bill all year. In the months when you are using very little energy the panels are generating energy and giving you credit for the months when more watts are needed. For example in the 6 months of November December January February March and April, when the air conditioner does not run you are generating a surplus and with this surplus generated you compensate your largest Bill when the air conditioner is running.

Sistemas pequeños crecen con el ahorro

The great thing about these Panels are that you can monitor them on the internet so you know that they are working fine. We have the best prices. No one beats our price not even Costco. We have the best system for mounting the panels. Our experience has shown us that being this close to salt water that the normal light weight frames will not last and ours will. We also pay attention to the angle of your roof and the direction of the sun so we can increase your efficiency. Give us a call and we will give you a free estimate.


No other investment will give you a return on your money that will come close to what you get with us. As the price of electricity increases the return on your investment gets bigger. We will install panels in the United States and Mexico and beat the competition in both countries. With our American and Mexican companies you can get the tax breaks in the United States and install some in both countries. This can make you a big winner when dealing with us.

Pueden eliminarse las facturas de energía

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Copyright (c) 2010, Sonoran Desert Solar.com Tucson Arizona Nogales US 520 450 3237 Mexico 631-137-3144 -Omar-631-134-3718