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We sell a system capable of creating 2.4 kilowatts of energy ready to plug and reduce your electricity bill that costs only $5,958. You can add to this system as many times as you want and make it much larger.

In the current economy a return on your money of 3% is fantastic. With a return on your solar investment a return of 30% to 50% is available with solar systems and this is the reason they are becoming so popular.

SDS Sonoran Desert Solar is the Best System Available.

You can and or SDS can monitor your system on the internet.

Commercial Systems paid for in 2 years. Residential in 3 in Mexico with summer discount.

Rocky Point Puerto Penasco Sonora Mexico

There is now a wide range of Panel prices and sizes. The new panels have a high efficiency and a long life. The warranty period on the new panels is up to 25 years. We have the opportunity to tailor your system to your needs. If you have a grid tied system there are ways to balance the energy so you will have the use of air-conditioning when you need it without a large increasing your electric bill. We will be able to discuss with you how to balance your system. One of the problems we have found is some panel voltages do not match the requirements of the inverter used. When this happens the efficiency of the system is impaired. With our electrical engineering staff and our experience for the past ten years we will assure you the best system possible for the money.

Sistemas pequeños crecen con el ahorro

Your SDS solar panel system can be modified to meet your changing needs without a loss of value in your current system. In this business if we serve your needs today, we will keep you as a satisfied customer. After 2-3 years when his system makes you realize what a good investment you have made the majority of our customers and have expanded their systems.


The cable system is not that expensive depending on the length needed for your installation. There is a breaker box protecting you system from the grid when there is a grid power failure. You cannot have your power endangering the linemen working on the public system. If you buy a small system with a small breaker box when you add to your system we will exchange the small box for a larger one so you never lose the value of what you have. You have the ability to choose a simple system in the beginning and exchange its value if your system grows to the point where you decide to share you system and sell power to your neighbor.

Pueden eliminarse las facturas de energía

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Copyright (c) 2010, Sonoran Desert Solar.com Tucson Arizona Nogales US 520 450 3237 Mexico 631-137-3144 -Omar-631-134-3718